Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One Year of Beer...kind of

On November 10, 2009 I decided to embark on a little project.  The concept was pretty simple: photograph every single beer I consume for one full year.  This was not an attempt to drink a beer each day for 365 days, or try as many different beers as possible in one year.  I didn't go out of my way for variation, quantity, or exclusiveness...or anything else that would have made this far more interesting to read about.  My motive was to just document my normal consumption as someone who enjoys beer.  The idea was to take a picture every time I drank a beer, repeats included, whether I was at home, out for dinner, or having a few at the bar. Easy enough, right?  Makes you want to read more, right?  Riiigghht?

There was little to no effort involved except for remembering to take a photo.  What was so difficult about remembering to do that?  In fact, the most effort involved in this whole ordeal was compiling and labeling the photos.  In the beginning I was very dedicated.  After a few months I started to get lazy about snapping pictures when out to dinner, or a little awkward in front of a group of newly met acquaintances.  Other times I would simply forget to take a picture until after I had finished the beer, or would completely forget all together.  

Because of this, I have estimated a success rate of about 70%.  That's a D-.  I essentially failed this project. And don't ask me how I figured that percentage.  I used some obscure formula that is probably way too scientific for your mind to handle.  I'm just protecting your mind, that's all.

After one year I ended up with 307 photos.  Figuring a 70% success rate, I most likely made my way through 439 beers.

You can pretend to browse the selection by clicking on the photograph below.

One Year of Beer

Among the beers I failed to photograph, a few that were very memorable include:

April 2010 - Goose Island Pepe Nero, North Coast PranQster, and others - birthday dinner at The Publican

July 4th 2010 - Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Imperial Helles Bock

August 7th 2010 - New Glarus Wisconsin Belgian Red and Boulevard Brewing The Sixth Glass Quadruple - both enjoyed by the groomsmen, groom, and his father on the wedding day of a best friend.  I believe a few Sam Adams Summer Ales and New Belgium Fat Tires were involved too.

September 24th 2010 - Multiple bottles of home-brewed German Hefeweizen  - a batch I brewed as a wedding gift to my sister and her husband for the rehearsal dinner.

Forgotten date - The Lost Abbey Red Barn Ale

Me Drink Beer

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