There was little to no effort involved except for remembering to take a photo. What was so difficult about remembering to do that? In fact, the most effort involved in this whole ordeal was compiling and labeling the photos. In the beginning I was very dedicated. After a few months I started to get lazy about snapping pictures when out to dinner, or a little awkward in front of a group of newly met acquaintances. Other times I would simply forget to take a picture until after I had finished the beer, or would completely forget all together.
Because of this, I have estimated a success rate of about 70%. That's a D-. I essentially failed this project. And don't ask me how I figured that percentage. I used some obscure formula that is probably way too scientific for your mind to handle. I'm just protecting your mind, that's all.
After one year I ended up with 307 photos. Figuring a 70% success rate, I most likely made my way through 439 beers.
You can pretend to browse the selection by clicking on the photograph below.
One Year of Beer |
Among the beers I failed to photograph, a few that were very memorable include:
April 2010 - Goose Island Pepe Nero, North Coast PranQster, and others - birthday dinner at The Publican
July 4th 2010 - Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Imperial Helles Bock
August 7th 2010 - New Glarus Wisconsin Belgian Red and Boulevard Brewing The Sixth Glass Quadruple - both enjoyed by the groomsmen, groom, and his father on the wedding day of a best friend. I believe a few Sam Adams Summer Ales and New Belgium Fat Tires were involved too.
September 24th 2010 - Multiple bottles of home-brewed German Hefeweizen - a batch I brewed as a wedding gift to my sister and her husband for the rehearsal dinner.
Forgotten date - The Lost Abbey Red Barn Ale
Me Drink Beer
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